I am a retired teacher of photography and Design Technology, from my first SLR and enlarger bought in 1974, I have been taking photographs for over 50 years moving from film to digital in 2002. I still use film and like to use old rangefinders which I collect and repair.
Most of my work is landscape and nature though I do like to try my hand at a variety of subjects using various techniques. I have a Sigma SD14 permanently set up for infra-red which I find gives me a greater tonal range for monochrome work.
Equipment varies according to the shot I want to take, from the small Nikon 1 1" sensor with its light weight and total portability to 35mm full frame for the greater tonality it gives in low light. Each is a tool in its own right which can make the art of imaging that little bit easier.
If I have a style it is definitely eclectic and I will apply software treatment where I think it enhances the image or gives a better representation of what I had in mind at the moment of releasing the shutter.
When not actually taking photographs I am actively involved in club and salon photography giving advice and talks, I also judge competitions for the Welsh Photographic Federation and the PAGB where I am also an APM online advisor for those wishing to apply for a distinction.
I firmly believe it is important to give back something that has given me so much enjoyment over the years. Nothing is more thrilling than to see a beginner proudly displaying their first images, no less thrilling than seeing an image develop from nothing before your eyes in the days of chemicals!
I hope you find some of the images at least interesting, and hopefully, come away with an idea or two that might help you look at our world a little more critically, appreciative of the beauty that is all around us.
Johnnie's PBase galleries: http://www.pbase.com/jlrsd9/profile
"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words."
Ansel Adams
© 2004- 2025 Johnnie Rogers ARPS DPAGB AWPF AFIAP. Images may not be copied or downloaded without permission from the photographer.